Green plant walls
For some time now, green walls have been a new and growing design trend.
August mushrooms, also known as vertical plant walls or living walls , is the newest type of plant wall currently used by new offices and shopping centers.

What are the benefits of green plant walls?
Green plant walls have many advantages. First, they help purify the air we breathe. Like all plants, green walls undergo photosynthesis.
This means that plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. This process removes harmful carbon dioxide from the air and releases the oxygen we need to breathe.
Plants convert "unwanted pollutants" in the air, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, into oxygen. It significantly reduces the amount of CO2 in the air, improving air quality and the well-being of people around.
Have you ever been in a room full of people talking and felt like you couldn't even hear your own thoughts? You may not have noticed, but the surfaces around you are often the cause. Sound bounces off hard walls, floors, and ceilings much more easily than off plants.

Therefore, green walls are an excellent noise reduction solution. Thanks to their absorption properties, plants can reduce noise levels by almost half! It can create the perfect environment in an office where people need to be able to concentrate, or at home where you just want to relax.
If you live in a highly urbanized city like Riga, you are undoubtedly surrounded by concrete, asphalt, noise and pollution. This can be detrimental to both your physical and mental well-being.
Plant walls in this concrete jungle can dramatically improve your quality of life. From providing environmental benefits such as temperature control and air purification, to creating a calm and invigorating work, home or outdoor space. span> Green plant walls can help in amazing ways, like increasing productivity!